Sunday, November 13, 2016

The Cubs Win the World Series!

Baseball has long been considered "America's favorite pastime".  This statement implies that watching and playing baseball is America's favorite hobby or form of entertainment. Well, for as long any living American can remember, they have not seen the Chicago Cubs win the championship of their favorite hobby.  At least, not until this year.  The Cubs have finally won the World Series for the first time since 1908! The storied franchise did not make it easy on their desperate fans, the went down 3 games to 1 in a best of 7 series before making a comeback and bringing the city of Chicago a championship that some thought the would never see.

Key Vocabulary
Considered (adjective)- resulting from careful thought.
Pastime (noun)- what a person does for entertainment when he/she is not working.
Imply (verb)- to express an idea without directly saying it.
Hobby (noun)- what a person does for entertainment when he/she is not working
Storied (adjective)- having an interesting history.
Desperate (adjective)- having a strong need.

Vocabulary Exercise:

Grammar PointAn adjective is a word that describes a noun. For example, I said "...did not make it easy on their desperate fans." I described the fans by saying that they were "desperate". 

Grammar Activity: Please write three sentences using adjectives to describe a noun. Underline the adjectives you use in each sentence. 


  1. Interesting activity with the word search. Kids love word searches and it can familiarize them with how words are spelled.

  2. Yes, the win by the Cubs has been a popular blog entry this year. The activities are good for reinforcing what the students are learning.
